Package com.flag4j.linalg.solvers

package com.flag4j.linalg.solvers
  • Interface Summary
    LinearSolver<T extends MatrixMixin<T,​?,​?,​?,​?,​U,​?>,​U extends VectorMixin<U,​?,​?,​?,​?,​T,​?,​?>>
    This interface specifies methods which all linear system solvers should implement.
  • Class Summary
    This solver solves linear systems of equations where the coefficient matrix in an upper triangular complex dense matrix and the constant vector is a complex dense vector.
    Solver for solving a well determined system of linear equations in an exact sense using the LU decomposition.
    This solver solves linear systems of equations where the coefficient matrix in a lower triangular complex dense matrix and the constant vector is a complex dense vector.
    This class solves a linear system of equations Ax=b in a least-squares sense.
    ExactSolver<T extends MatrixMixin<T,​?,​?,​?,​?,​U,​?>,​U extends VectorMixin<U,​?,​?,​?,​?,​T,​?,​?>>
    Solves a well determined system of equations Ax=b in an exact sense by using a LU decomposition.
    LstsqSolver<T extends MatrixMixin<T,​?,​?,​?,​?,​U,​?>,​U extends VectorMixin<U,​?,​?,​?,​?,​T,​?,​?>>
    This class solves a linear system of equations Ax=b in a least-squares sense.
    This solver solves linear systems of equations where the coefficient matrix in an upper triangular real dense matrix and the constant vector is a real dense vector.
    Solver for solving a well determined system of linear equations in an exact sense using the LU decomposition.
    This solver solves linear systems of equations where the coefficient matrix in a lower triangular real dense matrix and the constant vector is a real dense vector.
    This class solves a linear system of equations Ax=b in a least-squares sense.