Interface BaseLayer

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Dense, Dropout, Linear

public interface BaseLayer
Base layer interface. Specifies basic functionality that all layers should have.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    back​(linalg.Matrix upStream)
    Computes backward pass for layer.
    forward​(linalg.Matrix input)
    Computes forward pass for layer.
    Constructs a string containing this all details of the model pertinent for saving the model to a file.
    Gets the input dimension of this layer.
    Gets the output dimension of this layer.
    default linalg.Matrix[]
    Gets the trainable parameters of this layer in an array.
    default linalg.Matrix[]
    Gets the update matrices for the trainable parameters of this layer.
    Gets and formats details of this layer in a human-readable String.
    default void
    Resets the gradients for this layers' trainable parameters.
    default void
    setParams​(linalg.Matrix... params)
    Sets parameters of this layer.
    updateInDim​(int newInDim)
    Updates this layers input dimension.
  • Method Details

    • forward

      linalg.Matrix forward(linalg.Matrix input)
      Computes forward pass for layer.
      Result of the forward pass of a layer as a matrix.
    • back

      linalg.Matrix back(linalg.Matrix upStream)
      Computes backward pass for layer.
      Result of the backwards pass of the layer as a Matrix. If this layer has weights, this matrix will have the same shape as the weight matrix for the layer.
    • getInDim

      int getInDim()
      Gets the input dimension of this layer.
      The input dimension of this layer.
    • getOutDim

      int getOutDim()
      Gets the output dimension of this layer.
      The output dimension of this layer.
    • updateInDim

      void updateInDim(int newInDim)
      Updates this layers input dimension. This is useful for creating a layer with an unknown input dimension and inferring it from the previous layer in the network.
      newInDim - New input dimension for layer.
    • getParams

      default linalg.Matrix[] getParams()
      Gets the trainable parameters of this layer in an array.
      The trainable parameters of this layer in an array. If this layer does not inherit TrainableLayer then this will return null.
    • setParams

      default void setParams(linalg.Matrix... params)
      Sets parameters of this layer. If this layer does not inherit TrainableLayer then this does nothing.
      params - Parameters of layer as an array of matrices.
    • getUpdates

      default linalg.Matrix[] getUpdates()
      Gets the update matrices for the trainable parameters of this layer.
      An array of update matrices for this layers' trainable parameters. If this layer does not inherit * TrainableLayer then this will return null.
    • resetGradients

      default void resetGradients()
      Resets the gradients for this layers' trainable parameters.
    • inspect

      String inspect()
      Gets and formats details of this layer in a human-readable String.
      The details of this layer in a human-reusable String.
    • getDetails

      String getDetails()
      Constructs a string containing this all details of the model pertinent for saving the model to a file.
      A string containing all information, including trainable parameters, needed to recreate the layer.