Package linalg

Class PrintOptions


public class PrintOptions extends Object
A place to define various print options for Matrices and vectors.
     Supported Print Options:
                - PADDING
                - MAX_ROWS
                - MAX_COLUMNS
  • Field Details


      public static int PADDING
      Padding between each element of matrix.

      Default Value: 2
    • MAX_ROWS

      public static int MAX_ROWS
      Maximum number of rows to print from a matrix. If a matrix has more rows than this value, rows with indices larger than this value, except for the last row, will not be printed. The last row is always printed

      Default Value: 10

      public static int MAX_COLUMNS
      Maximum number of columns to print from a matrix. If a matrix has more columns than this value, columns with indices larger than this value, except for the last column, will not be printed.
      The last column is always printed.

      Default Value: 10

      public static int PRECISION
      Precision of the printed matrix values. i.e. the number of decimal places printed.

      Default Value: 20.