Module flag4j

Class FieldTensorBase<T extends FieldTensorBase<T,U,V>,U extends FieldTensorBase<U,U,V>,V extends Field<V>>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of this tensor.
U - Type of dense tensor equivalent to T. If T is dense, then this should be the same type as T. This parameter is required because some operations (e.g. TensorOverSemiRing.tensorDot(TensorOverSemiRing, int)) between two sparse tensors result in a dense tensor.
V - The type of the Field for this tensor's entries.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, TensorBinaryOpsMixin<T,T>, TensorMixin<T,Field<V>[],V>
Direct Known Subclasses:
CooFieldMatrixBase, CooFieldTensorBase, CooFieldVectorBase, CsrFieldMatrixBase, DenseFieldMatrixBase, DenseFieldTensorBase, DenseFieldVectorBase

public abstract class FieldTensorBase<T extends FieldTensorBase<T,U,V>,U extends FieldTensorBase<U,U,V>,V extends Field<V>> extends TensorOverField<T,U,Field<V>[],V>
The base class for all tensors whose entries are elements of a Field.
See Also: