Module flag4j

Class Schur<T extends MatrixMixinOld<T,?,?,?,?,?>,U>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of matrix to be decomposed.
U - The type for the internal storage datastructure of the matrix to be decomposed.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ComplexSchur, RealSchur

public abstract class Schur<T extends MatrixMixinOld<T,?,?,?,?,?>,U> extends Object implements Decomposition<T>

The base class for Schur decompositions.

The Schur decomposition decomposes a square matrix A into A=UTUH where U is a unitary matrix and T is a quasi-upper triangular matrix called the "Schur form" of A. T is upper triangular except for possibly 2-by-2 blocks along the principle diagonal. T is similar to A meaning they have equivalent eigenvalues.