Interface TensorOverField<T extends TensorOverField<T,U,V,W>,U extends TensorOverField<U,U,V,W>,V,W>

Type Parameters:
T - Type of this tensor.
U - Type of dense tensor equivalent to T. If T is dense, then this should be the same type as T. This parameter required because some ops between two sparse tensors may result in a dense tensor.
V - Storage for data of this tensor.
W - Type (or wrapper) of an element of this tensor. Should satisfy the axioms of a field as stated.
All Superinterfaces:
TensorOverRing<T,U,V,W>, TensorOverSemiring<T,U,V,W>
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCooFieldMatrix, AbstractCooFieldTensor, AbstractCooFieldVector, AbstractCsrFieldMatrix, AbstractDenseDoubleTensor, AbstractDenseFieldMatrix, AbstractDenseFieldTensor, AbstractDenseFieldVector, AbstractDoubleTensor, CMatrix, CooCMatrix, CooCTensor, CooCVector, CooFieldMatrix, CooFieldTensor, CooFieldVector, CooMatrix, CooTensor, CooVector, CsrCMatrix, CsrFieldMatrix, CsrMatrix, CTensor, CVector, FieldMatrix, FieldTensor, FieldVector, Matrix, Tensor, Vector

public interface TensorOverField<T extends TensorOverField<T,U,V,W>,U extends TensorOverField<U,U,V,W>,V,W> extends TensorOverRing<T,U,V,W>
This interface specifies methods which any tensor whose data are elements of a field should implement. This includes primitive values.

To allow for primitive types, the elements of this tensor do not necessarily have to implement Field.

Formally, a field is a set F with the binary ops addition (+) and multiplication (*) defined such that for elements a, b, c in F the following are satisfied:

  • Addition and multiplication are associative: a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c and a * (b * c) = (a * b) * c.
  • Addition and multiplication are commutative: a + b = b + a and a * b = b * a
  • Existence of additive and multiplicative identities: There exists two distinct elements 0 and 1 in F such that a + 0 = 0 and a * 1 = 1 (called the additive and multiplicative identities respectively).
  • Existence of additive inverse: There exists an element -a in F such that a + (-a) = 0.
  • Existence of multiplicative inverse: There exists an element a-1 in F such that a * a-1 = 1.
  • Distributivity of multiplication over addition: a * (b + c) = (a * b) + (a * c).
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    add(double b)
    Adds a primitive scalar value to each entry of this tensor.
    addEq(double b)
    Adds a primitive scalar value to each entry of this tensor and stores the result in this tensor.
    div(double b)
    Divides each element of this tensor by a primitive scalar value.
    div(T b)
    Computes the element-wise quotient between two tensors.
    div(W b)
    Divides each element of this tensor by a scalar value.
    divEq(double b)
    Divides each element of this tensor by a primitive scalar value and stores the result in this tensor.
    divEq(W b)
    Divides each element of this tensor by a scalar value and stores the result in this tensor.
    Checks if this tensor only contains finite values.
    Checks if this tensor contains at least one infinite value.
    Checks if this tensor contains at least one NaN value.
    mult(double b)
    Multiplies a primitive scalar value to each entry of this tensor.
    multEq(double b)
    Multiplies a primitive scalar value to each entry of this tensor and stores the result in this tensor.
    Computes the element-wise reciprocals of this tensor.
    Computes the element-wise square root of this tensor.
    sub(double b)
    Subtracts a primitive scalar value from each entry of this tensor.
    subEq(double b)
    Subtracts a scalar primitive value from each entry of this tensor and stores the result in this tensor.

    Methods inherited from interface org.flag4j.arrays.backend.ring_arrays.TensorOverRing

    abs, argmax, argmaxAbs, argmin, argminAbs, conj, H, H, H, max, maxAbs, min, minAbs, sub, sub, subEq

    Methods inherited from interface org.flag4j.arrays.backend.semiring_arrays.TensorOverSemiring

    add, add, addEq, elemMult, getData, getRank, getShape, isOnes, isZeros, makeLikeTensor, mult, multEq, prod, sum, tensorDot, tensorDot, tensorDot, tensorDot, tensorTr, tensorTr
  • Method Details

    • add

      T add(double b)
      Adds a primitive scalar value to each entry of this tensor. If the tensor is sparse, the scalar will only be added to the non-zero data of the tensor.
      b - Scalar field value in sum.
      The sum of this tensor with the scalar b.
    • addEq

      void addEq(double b)
      Adds a primitive scalar value to each entry of this tensor and stores the result in this tensor.
      b - Scalar field value in sum.
    • mult

      T mult(double b)
      Multiplies a primitive scalar value to each entry of this tensor.
      b - Scalar value in product.
      The product of this tensor with b.
    • multEq

      void multEq(double b)
      Multiplies a primitive scalar value to each entry of this tensor and stores the result in this tensor.
      b - Scalar value in product.
    • sub

      T sub(double b)
      Subtracts a primitive scalar value from each entry of this tensor.
      b - Scalar value in difference.
      The difference of this tensor and the scalar b.
    • subEq

      void subEq(double b)
      Subtracts a scalar primitive value from each entry of this tensor and stores the result in this tensor.
      b - Scalar value in difference.
    • div

      T div(W b)
      Divides each element of this tensor by a scalar value.
      b - Scalar value in quotient.
      The element-wise quotient of this tensor and the scalar b.
      See Also:
    • divEq

      void divEq(W b)
      Divides each element of this tensor by a scalar value and stores the result in this tensor.
      b - Scalar value in quotient.
      See Also:
    • div

      T div(double b)
      Divides each element of this tensor by a primitive scalar value.
      b - Scalar value in quotient.
      The element-wise quotient of this tensor and the scalar b.
      See Also:
    • divEq

      void divEq(double b)
      Divides each element of this tensor by a primitive scalar value and stores the result in this tensor.
      b - Scalar value in quotient.
      See Also:
    • div

      T div(T b)
      Computes the element-wise quotient between two tensors.
      b - Second tensor in the element-wise quotient.
      The element-wise quotient of this tensor with b.
    • sqrt

      T sqrt()
      Computes the element-wise square root of this tensor.
      The element-wise square root of this tensor.
    • recip

      T recip()
      Computes the element-wise reciprocals of this tensor.
      The element-wise reciprocals of this tensor.
    • isFinite

      boolean isFinite()
      Checks if this tensor only contains finite values.
      true if this tensor only contains finite values; false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • isInfinite

      boolean isInfinite()
      Checks if this tensor contains at least one infinite value.
      true if this tensor contains at least one infinite value; false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • isNaN

      boolean isNaN()
      Checks if this tensor contains at least one NaN value.
      true if this tensor contains at least one NaN value; false otherwise.
      See Also: