Interface SemiringTensorMixin<T extends SemiringTensorMixin<T,U,V>,U extends SemiringTensorMixin<U,U,V>,V extends Semiring<V>>

Type Parameters:
T - Type of this tensor.
U - Dense equivalent of this tensor. If this tensor is dense, this should be the same type as T
V - Type of an element of this tensor. Satisfies semiring axioms.
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
FieldTensorMixin<T,U,V>, RingTensorMixin<T,U,V>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCooFieldMatrix, AbstractCooFieldTensor, AbstractCooFieldVector, AbstractCooRingMatrix, AbstractCooRingTensor, AbstractCooRingVector, AbstractCooSemiringMatrix, AbstractCooSemiringTensor, AbstractCooSemiringVector, AbstractCsrFieldMatrix, AbstractCsrRingMatrix, AbstractCsrSemiringMatrix, AbstractDenseFieldMatrix, AbstractDenseFieldTensor, AbstractDenseFieldVector, AbstractDenseRingMatrix, AbstractDenseRingTensor, AbstractDenseRingVector, AbstractDenseSemiringMatrix, AbstractDenseSemiringTensor, AbstractDenseSemiringVector, CMatrix, CooCMatrix, CooCTensor, CooCVector, CooFieldMatrix, CooFieldTensor, CooFieldVector, CooRingMatrix, CooRingTensor, CooRingVector, CooSemiringMatrix, CooSemiringTensor, CooSemiringVector, CsrCMatrix, CsrFieldMatrix, CsrRingMatrix, CsrSemiringMatrix, CTensor, CVector, FieldMatrix, FieldTensor, FieldVector, RingMatrix, RingTensor, RingVector, SemiringMatrix, SemiringTensor, SemiringVector

public interface SemiringTensorMixin<T extends SemiringTensorMixin<T,U,V>,U extends SemiringTensorMixin<U,U,V>,V extends Semiring<V>> extends TensorOverSemiring<T,U,V[],V>
This interface provides default functionality for all tensors whose data are elements of a Semiring. This includes both sparse and dense tensors.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default T
    add(V b)
    Adds a scalar value to each entry of this tensor.
    default void
    addEq(V b)
    Adds a scalar value to each entry of this tensor and stores the result in this tensor.
    default int[]
    Finds the indices of the maximum value in this tensor.
    default int[]
    Finds the indices of the minimum value in this tensor.
    default boolean
    Checks if this tensor only contains ones.
    default boolean
    Checks if this tensor only contains zeros.
    default V[]
    makeEmptyDataArray(int length)
    Creates an empty array of the same type as the data array of this tensor.
    default V
    Finds the maximum value in this tensor.
    default V
    Finds the minimum value in this tensor.
    default T
    mult(V b)
    Multiplies a scalar value to each entry of this tensor.
    default void
    multEq(V b)
    Multiplies a scalar value to each entry of this tensor and stores the result in this tensor.
    default V
    Computes the product of all values in this tensor (or non-zero values if this tensor is sparse).
    default V
    Computes the sum of all values in this tensor.

    Methods inherited from interface org.flag4j.arrays.backend.semiring_arrays.TensorOverSemiring

    add, elemMult, getData, getRank, getShape, makeLikeTensor, tensorDot, tensorDot, tensorDot, tensorDot, tensorTr, tensorTr
  • Method Details

    • makeEmptyDataArray

      default V[] makeEmptyDataArray(int length)
      Creates an empty array of the same type as the data array of this tensor.
      length - The length of the array to construct.
      An empty array of the same type as the data array of this tensor.
    • add

      default T add(V b)
      Adds a scalar value to each entry of this tensor. If the tensor is sparse, the scalar will only be added to the non-zero data of the tensor.
      Specified by:
      add in interface TensorOverSemiring<T extends SemiringTensorMixin<T,U,V>,U extends SemiringTensorMixin<U,U,V>,V extends Semiring<V>[],V extends Semiring<V>>
      b - Scalar field value in sum.
      The sum of this tensor with the scalar b.
    • addEq

      default void addEq(V b)
      Adds a scalar value to each entry of this tensor and stores the result in this tensor.
      Specified by:
      addEq in interface TensorOverSemiring<T extends SemiringTensorMixin<T,U,V>,U extends SemiringTensorMixin<U,U,V>,V extends Semiring<V>[],V extends Semiring<V>>
      b - Scalar field value in sum.
    • mult

      default T mult(V b)
      Multiplies a scalar value to each entry of this tensor.
      Specified by:
      mult in interface TensorOverSemiring<T extends SemiringTensorMixin<T,U,V>,U extends SemiringTensorMixin<U,U,V>,V extends Semiring<V>[],V extends Semiring<V>>
      b - Scalar value in product.
      The product of this tensor with b.
    • multEq

      default void multEq(V b)
      Multiplies a scalar value to each entry of this tensor and stores the result in this tensor.
      Specified by:
      multEq in interface TensorOverSemiring<T extends SemiringTensorMixin<T,U,V>,U extends SemiringTensorMixin<U,U,V>,V extends Semiring<V>[],V extends Semiring<V>>
      b - Scalar value in product.
    • isZeros

      default boolean isZeros()
      Checks if this tensor only contains zeros.
      Specified by:
      isZeros in interface TensorOverSemiring<T extends SemiringTensorMixin<T,U,V>,U extends SemiringTensorMixin<U,U,V>,V extends Semiring<V>[],V extends Semiring<V>>
      true if this tensor only contains zeros; false otherwise.
    • isOnes

      default boolean isOnes()
      Checks if this tensor only contains ones. If this tensor is sparse, only the non-zero data are considered.
      Specified by:
      isOnes in interface TensorOverSemiring<T extends SemiringTensorMixin<T,U,V>,U extends SemiringTensorMixin<U,U,V>,V extends Semiring<V>[],V extends Semiring<V>>
      true if this tensor only contains ones; false otherwise.
    • sum

      default V sum()
      Computes the sum of all values in this tensor.
      Specified by:
      sum in interface TensorOverSemiring<T extends SemiringTensorMixin<T,U,V>,U extends SemiringTensorMixin<U,U,V>,V extends Semiring<V>[],V extends Semiring<V>>
      The sum of all values in this tensor.
    • prod

      default V prod()
      Computes the product of all values in this tensor (or non-zero values if this tensor is sparse).
      Specified by:
      prod in interface TensorOverSemiring<T extends SemiringTensorMixin<T,U,V>,U extends SemiringTensorMixin<U,U,V>,V extends Semiring<V>[],V extends Semiring<V>>
      The product of all values (or non-zero values if sparse) in this tensor.
    • min

      default V min()
      Finds the minimum value in this tensor. If this tensor is complex, then this method finds the smallest value in magnitude.
      The minimum value (smallest in magnitude for a complex valued tensor) in this tensor.
    • max

      default V max()
      Finds the maximum value in this tensor. If this tensor is complex, then this method finds the largest value in magnitude.
      The maximum value (largest in magnitude for a complex valued tensor) in this tensor.
    • argmin

      default int[] argmin()
      Finds the indices of the minimum value in this tensor.
      The indices of the minimum value in this tensor. If this value occurs multiple times, the indices of the first entry (in row-major ordering) are returned.
    • argmax

      default int[] argmax()
      Finds the indices of the maximum value in this tensor.
      The indices of the maximum value in this tensor. If this value occurs multiple times, the indices of the first entry (in row-major ordering) are returned.