Class SymmTriDiag

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SymmTriDiag extends Object implements Serializable

A real symmetric tri-diagonal matrix. This class stores the non-zero values of the symmetric tri-diagonal matrix and has limited support for ops with such a matrix.

A matrix is symmetric tri-diagonal if it is symmetric and all values below the first sub-diagonal and above the first super-diagonal are zero.

For example, the following matrix is in symmetric tri-diagonal form where each X may hold a different value (provided the matrix is symmetric):

     [[ X X 0 0 0 ]
      [ X X X 0 0 ]
      [ 0 X X X 0 ]
      [ 0 0 X X X ]
      [ 0 0 0 X X ]]
See Also:
  • Constructor Summary

    SymmTriDiag(double[] diag, double[] offDiag)
    Constructs a symmetric tri-diagonal matrix with the provided diagonal and off-diagonal data.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    equals(Object object)
    Checks if an object is equal to this symmetric tri-diagonal matrix.
    get(int rowIdx, int colIdx)
    Gets the entry within this symmetric tri-diagonal matrix at the specified indices.
    Gets the shape of this symmetric tri-diagonal matrix.
    Creates a hash code for this symmetric tri-diagonal matrix.
    Converts this symmetric tri-diagonal matrix to an equivalent dense matrix.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • SymmTriDiag

      public SymmTriDiag(double[] diag, double[] offDiag)
      Constructs a symmetric tri-diagonal matrix with the provided diagonal and off-diagonal data.
      diag - Diagonal data of the symmetric tri-diagonal matrix.
      offDiag - Sub/super diagonal data of the symmetric tri-diagonal matrix.
  • Method Details

    • getShape

      public Shape getShape()
      Gets the shape of this symmetric tri-diagonal matrix.
      The shape of this symmetric tri-diagonal matrix.
    • get

      public double get(int rowIdx, int colIdx)
      Gets the entry within this symmetric tri-diagonal matrix at the specified indices.
      rowIdx - Row index of entry to get.
      colIdx - Column index of entry to get.
      The entry of this symmetric tri-diagonal matrix at the specified indices.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - If either index is out of bounds for this matrix.
    • toDense

      public Matrix toDense()
      Converts this symmetric tri-diagonal matrix to an equivalent dense matrix.
      A dense matrix equivalent to this symmetric tri-diagonal matrix.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object object)
      Checks if an object is equal to this symmetric tri-diagonal matrix. An object is considered equal to this matrix if it is an instance of SymmTriDiag and all diagonal and off diagonal data are equal.
      equals in class Object
      object - Object to compare to this symmetric tri-diagonal matrix.
      True if b is an instance of SymmTriDiag and all diagonal and off diagonal data are equal to the corresponding values in this symmetric tri-diagonal matrix.
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Creates a hash code for this symmetric tri-diagonal matrix.
      hashCode in class Object
      An integer hash code for this symmetric tri-diagonal matrix.