Class ComplexBalancer

Type Parameters:
T - The type of matrix being balanced.
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ComplexBalancer extends Balancer<CMatrix>

Instances of this class may be used to balance complex dense matrices. Balancing a matrix involves computing a diagonal similarity transformation to "balance" the rows and columns of the matrix. This balancing is achieved by attempting to scale the entries of the matrix by similarity transformations such that the 1-norms of corresponding rows and columns have the similar 1-norms. Rows and columns may also be permuted during balancing if requested.

Balancing is often used as a preprocessing step to improve the conditioning of eigenvalue problems. Because the balancing transformation is a similarity transformation, the eigenvalues are preserved. Further, when permutations are done during balancing it is possible to isolate decoupled eigenvalues.

The similarity transformation of a square matrix A into the balanced matrix B can be described as:

     B = T-1 A T
       = D-1 P-1 A P D.
Solving for A, balancing may be viewed as the following decomposition:
     A = T B T-1
       = P D B D-1 P-1.
Where P is a permutation matrix, and D is a diagonal scaling matrix.

When permutations are used during balancing we obtain a specific form. First,

             [ T1  X   Y  ]
   P-1 A P = [  0  B1  Z  ]
             [  0  0   T2 ]
Where T1 and T2 are upper triangular matrices whose eigenvalues lie along the diagonal. These are also eigenvalues of A. Then, if scaling is applied we obtain:
                  [ T1     X*D1       Y    ]
   D-1 P-1 A P D = [  0  D1-1*B*1D1  D1-1*Z  ]
                   [  0      0         T2   ]
Where D1 is a diagonal matrix such that,
         [ I1 0  0  ]
     D = [ 0  D1 0  ]
         [ 0  0  I2 ]
Where I1 and I2 are identity matrices with equivalent shapes to T1 and T2.

Once balancing has been applied, one need only compute the eigenvalues of B1 and combine them with the diagonal entries of T1 and T2 to obtain all eigenvalues of A.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ComplexBalancer

      public ComplexBalancer()

      Constructs a complex balancer which will perform both the permutations and scaling steps out-of-place.

      To specify if permutations or scaling should be or should not be performed, use ComplexBalancer(boolean, boolean). To specify if the balancing should be done in-place, use ComplexBalancer(boolean, boolean, boolean).

    • ComplexBalancer

      public ComplexBalancer(boolean doPermutations, boolean doScaling)

      Constructs a complex balancer optionally performing the permutation and scaling steps out-of-place.

      To specify if the balancing should be done in-place, use ComplexBalancer(boolean, boolean, boolean).

      doPermutations - Flag indicating if the permutation step should be performed during balancing.
      • If true: the permutation step will be performed.
      • If false: the permutation step will not be performed.
      doScaling - Flag indicating if the scaling step should be performed during balancing.
      • If true: the scaling step will be performed.
      • If false: the scaling step will not be performed.
    • ComplexBalancer

      public ComplexBalancer(boolean doPermutations, boolean doScaling, boolean inPlace)

      Constructs a complex balancer optionally performing the permutation and scaling steps in/out-of-place.

      doPermutations - Flag indicating if the permutation step should be performed during balancing.
      • If true: the permutation step will be performed.
      • If false: the permutation step will not be performed.
      doScaling - Flag indicating if the scaling step should be performed during balancing.
      • If true: the scaling step will be performed.
      • If false: the scaling step will not be performed.
      inPlace - Flag indicating if the balancing should be done in or out-of-place.
      • If true: balancing will be done in-place and the source matrix will be overwritten.
      • If false: balancing will be done out-of-place.
  • Method Details

    • swapRows

      protected void swapRows(int rowIdx1, int rowIdx2, int start, int stop)
      Swaps two rows, over a specified range, within the Balancer.balancedMatrix matrix.
      Specified by:
      swapRows in class Balancer<CMatrix>
      rowIdx1 - Index of the first row to swap.
      rowIdx2 - Index of the second row to swap.
      start - Index of the column specifying the start of the range for the row swap (inclusive).
      stop - Index of the column specifying the end of the range for the row swap (exclusive).
    • swapCols

      protected void swapCols(int colIdx1, int colIdx2, int start, int stop)
      Swaps two columns, over a specified range, within the Balancer.balancedMatrix matrix.
      Specified by:
      swapCols in class Balancer<CMatrix>
      colIdx1 - Index of the first column to swap.
      colIdx2 - Index of the second column to swap.
      start - Index of the row specifying the start of the range for the column swap (inclusive).
      stop - Index of the row specifying the end of the range for the column swap (exclusive).
    • isZero

      protected boolean isZero(int idx)
      Checks if a value within Balancer.balancedMatrix is zero.
      Specified by:
      isZero in class Balancer<CMatrix>
      idx - Index of value within flat data Balancer.balancedMatrix to check if it is zero.
    • vectorNorm

      protected double vectorNorm(int start, int n, int stride)
      Computes the ℓ2 norm of a vector with n elements from Balancer.balancedMatrix's 1D data array starting at index start and spaced by stride.
      Specified by:
      vectorNorm in class Balancer<CMatrix>
      start - Starting index within Balancer.balancedMatrix's 1D data array to compute norm of.
      n - The number of elements in the vector to compute norm of.
      stride - The spacing between each element within Balancer.balancedMatrix's 1D data array to norm of.
      The norm of the vector containing the specified elements from Balancer.balancedMatrix's 1D data array.
    • vectorMaxAbs

      protected double vectorMaxAbs(int start, int n, int stride)
      Computes the maximum absolute value of a vector with n elements from Balancer.balancedMatrix's 1D data array starting at index start and spaced by stride.
      Specified by:
      vectorMaxAbs in class Balancer<CMatrix>
      start - Starting index within Balancer.balancedMatrix's 1D data array to compute maximum absolute value of.
      n - The number of elements in the vector to compute maximum absolute value of.
      stride - The spacing between each element within Balancer.balancedMatrix's 1D data array to compute maximum absolute value of.
      The maximum absolute value of the vector containing the specified elements from Balancer.balancedMatrix's 1D data array.
    • vectorScale

      protected void vectorScale(double factor, int start, int n, int stride)
      Scales a vector with n elements from Balancer.balancedMatrix's 1D data array starting at index start and spaced by stride. This operation must be done in-place.
      Specified by:
      vectorScale in class Balancer<CMatrix>
      factor - Factor to scale elements by.
      start - Starting index within Balancer.balancedMatrix's 1D data array begin scaling.
      n - The number of elements to scale.
      stride - The spacing between each element within Balancer.balancedMatrix's 1D data array to scale.