Class DenseCooFieldMatrixOps


public final class DenseCooFieldMatrixOps extends Object
This class contains low level implementations for ops between a dense and a sparse field matrix.
  • Method Details

    • add

      public static <T extends Field<T>> AbstractDenseFieldMatrix<?,?,T> add(AbstractDenseFieldMatrix<?,?,T> src1, AbstractCooFieldMatrix<?,?,?,T> src2)
      Computes the element-wise sum of a dense matrix to a sparse COO matrix.
      src1 - Dense matrix in sum.
      src2 - Sparse COO matrix in the sum.
      The element-wise sum of src1 and src2.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the matrices do not have the same shape.
    • sub

      public static <T extends Field<T>> AbstractDenseFieldMatrix<?,?,T> sub(AbstractDenseFieldMatrix<?,?,T> src1, AbstractCooFieldMatrix<?,?,?,T> src2)
      Subtracts a real sparse matrix from a real dense matrix.
      src1 - First matrix.
      src2 - Second matrix.
      The result of the matrix subtraction.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the matrices do not have the same shape.
    • sub

      public static <T extends Field<T>> AbstractDenseFieldMatrix<?,?,T> sub(AbstractCooFieldMatrix<?,?,?,T> src2, AbstractDenseFieldMatrix<?,?,T> src1)
      Subtracts a complex dense matrix from a complex sparse matrix.
      src2 - Entries of second matrix in the difference.
      src1 - Entries of first matrix in difference.
      The result of the matrix subtraction.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the matrices do not have the same shape.
    • addEq

      public static <T extends Field<T>> void addEq(AbstractDenseFieldMatrix<?,?,T> src1, AbstractCooFieldMatrix<?,?,?,T> src2)
      Adds a complex dense matrix to a real sparse matrix and stores the result in the first matrix.
      src1 - First matrix.
      src2 - Second matrix.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the matrices do not have the same shape.
    • subEq

      public static <T extends Field<T>> void subEq(AbstractDenseFieldMatrix<?,?,T> src1, AbstractCooFieldMatrix<?,?,?,T> src2)
      Subtracts a complex sparse matrix from a complex dense matrix and stores the result in the dense matrix.
      src1 - First matrix.
      src2 - Second matrix.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the matrices do not have the same shape.
    • elemMult

      public static <T extends Field<T>> void elemMult(Shape shape1, T[] data1, Shape shape2, T[] data2, int[] rowIndices2, int[] colIndices2, T[] dest)
      Computes the element-wise multiplication between a real dense matrix and a real sparse matrix.
      shape1 - Shape of the first matrix in element-wise product.
      data1 - Entries of the first matrix in the element-wise product.
      shape2 - Shape of the second matrix in the element-wise product.
      data2 - Non-zero data of the second matrix in the element-wise product.
      rowIndices2 - Non-zero row indices of the second matrix in the element-wise product.
      colIndices2 - Non-zero column indices of the second matrix in the element-wise product.
      dest - Array to store the non-zero data of the sparse COO matrix resulting from the element-wise multiplication (modified). Must have same length as data2. May be the same array as data2.
      TensorShapeException - If !shape1.equals(shape2)
    • elemDiv

      public static <T extends Field<T>> AbstractCooFieldMatrix<?,?,?,T> elemDiv(AbstractCooFieldMatrix<?,?,?,T> src1, AbstractDenseFieldMatrix<?,?,T> src2)
      Computes the element-wise division between a complex sparse matrix and a complex dense matrix.

      If the dense matrix contains a zero at the same index the sparse matrix contains a non-zero, the result will be either Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY.

      If the dense matrix contains a zero at an index for which the sparse matrix is also zero, the result will be zero. This is done to realize computational benefits from ops with sparse matrices.

      src1 - Real sparse matrix and numerator in element-wise quotient.
      src2 - Real Dense matrix and denominator in element-wise quotient.
      The element-wise quotient of src1 and src2.
      IllegalArgumentException - If src1 and src2 do not have the same shape.
    • addToEachCol

      public static <T extends Field<T>> AbstractDenseFieldMatrix<?,?,T> addToEachCol(AbstractCooFieldMatrix<?,?,?,T> src, AbstractDenseFieldVector<?,?,T> col)
      Adds a dense vector to each column as if the vector is a column vector.
      src - Source sparse matrix.
      col - Vector to add to each column of the source matrix.
      A dense copy of the src matrix with the specified vector added to each column.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the number of data in the col vector does not match the number of rows in the src matrix.
    • addToEachRow

      public static <T extends Field<T>> AbstractDenseFieldMatrix<?,?,T> addToEachRow(AbstractCooFieldMatrix<?,?,?,T> src, AbstractDenseFieldVector<?,?,T> row)
      Adds a dense vector to add to each row as if the vector is a row vector.
      src - Source sparse matrix.
      row - Vector to add to each row of the source matrix.
      A dense copy of the src matrix with the specified vector added to each row.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the number of data in the col vector does not match the number of columns in the src matrix.