Class RealFieldDenseCooMatMultTranspose


public final class RealFieldDenseCooMatMultTranspose extends Object

This class contains several low level methods for computing matrix-matrix multiplications with a transpose for a real/field and sparse/dense matrix.

Warning: These methods do not perform any sanity checks.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static <T extends Field<T>>
    multTranspose(double[] deSrc, Shape deShape, T[] spSrc, int[] rowIndices, int[] colIndices, Shape spShape, T[] dest)
    Multiplies a real dense matrix to the transpose of a sparse field matrix.
    static <T extends Field<T>>
    multTranspose(T[] dSrc, Shape dShape, double[] spSrc, int[] rowIndices, int[] colIndices, Shape spShape, T[] dest)
    Multiplies a dense field matrix to the transpose of a real sparse matrix.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • multTranspose

      public static <T extends Field<T>> void multTranspose(double[] deSrc, Shape deShape, T[] spSrc, int[] rowIndices, int[] colIndices, Shape spShape, T[] dest)
      Multiplies a real dense matrix to the transpose of a sparse field matrix.
      deSrc - Entries of dense matrix.
      deShape - Shape of dense matrix.
      spSrc - Non-zero data of sparse matrix.
      rowIndices - Row indices of non-zero data in the sparse matrix.
      colIndices - Column indices of non-zero data in the sparse matrix.
      spShape - Shape of the sparse matrix.
      dest - Array to store the result of the matrix transpose multiplication problem in. Must have length deShape.get(0)*spShape.get(0).
    • multTranspose

      public static <T extends Field<T>> void multTranspose(T[] dSrc, Shape dShape, double[] spSrc, int[] rowIndices, int[] colIndices, Shape spShape, T[] dest)
      Multiplies a dense field matrix to the transpose of a real sparse matrix.
      dSrc - Entries of dense matrix.
      dShape - Shape of dense matrix.
      spSrc - Non-zero data of sparse matrix.
      rowIndices - Row indices of non-zero data in the sparse matrix.
      colIndices - Column indices of non-zero data in the sparse matrix.
      spShape - Shape of the sparse matrix.
      dest - Array to store the result of the matrix transpose multiplication problem in. Must have length dShape.get(0)*spShape.get(0).