Package org.flag4j.linalg

package org.flag4j.linalg
  • Classes
    Utility class for computing the condition number of a matrix.
    This class provides several methods useful for computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
    This class provides methods for computing the inverse of a matrix.
    A utility class providing a range of matrix norm computations for both real and complex matrices.
    This class contains several methods for determining the positive definiteness of a matrix.
    This class contains static methods for computing row echelon, reduced row echelon, and extended reduced row echelon forms of a matrix.
    This class contains several methods for computing the subspace of a matrix.
    This utility class provides static methods for computing the 'inverse' of a tensor with respect to some tensor dot product operation.
    A utility class for computing vector norms, including various types of ℓp norms, with support for both dense and sparse vectors.