Class Complex128BiGaussian


public class Complex128BiGaussian extends Distribution<Complex128,RandomComplex>
A 2D bivariateGaussian distribution on the complex plane.
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from class org.flag4j.rng.distributions.Distribution

  • Constructor Summary

    Complex128BiGaussian(RandomComplex rng, double meanRe, double stdRe, double meanIm, double stdIm)
    Constructs 2D bivariateGaussian distribution on the complex plane with a correlation coefficient of zero.
    Complex128BiGaussian(RandomComplex rng, double meanRe, double stdRe, double meanIm, double stdIm, double corrCoeff)
    Constructs 2D bivariateGaussian distribution on the complex plane with a specified correlation coefficient.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Randomly samples this distribution.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • Complex128BiGaussian

      public Complex128BiGaussian(RandomComplex rng, double meanRe, double stdRe, double meanIm, double stdIm)
      Constructs 2D bivariateGaussian distribution on the complex plane with a correlation coefficient of zero. To specify a correlation coefficient use Complex128BiGaussian(RandomComplex, double, double, double, double, double).
      rng - Pseudorandom number generator to use when randomly sampling from this distribution.
      meanRe - Mean along real axis of complex plane for the distribution.
      stdRe - Standard deviation along real axis of complex plane for the distribution.
      meanIm - Mean along imaginary axis of complex plane for the distribution.
      stdIm - Standard deviation along imaginary axis of complex plane for the distribution.
    • Complex128BiGaussian

      public Complex128BiGaussian(RandomComplex rng, double meanRe, double stdRe, double meanIm, double stdIm, double corrCoeff)
      Constructs 2D bivariateGaussian distribution on the complex plane with a specified correlation coefficient.
      rng - Pseudorandom number generator to use when randomly sampling from this distribution.
      meanRe - Mean along real axis of complex plane for the distribution.
      stdRe - Standard deviation along real axis of complex plane for the distribution.
      meanIm - Mean along imaginary axis of complex plane for the distribution.
      stdIm - Standard deviation along imaginary axis of complex plane for the distribution.
      corrCoeff - Correlation coefficient of the bivariate distribution.
  • Method Details