Class Complex128UniformDisk


public class Complex128UniformDisk extends Distribution<Complex128,RandomComplex>
A uniform distribution on an annulus (e.g. washer) in the complex plane.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    final double
    Imaginary value of the center of the annulus in the complex plane.
    final double
    Real value of the center of the annulus in the complex plane.
    final double
    Outer radius of the annulus (exclusive).
    final double
    Inner radius of the annulus (inclusive).

    Fields inherited from class org.flag4j.rng.distributions.Distribution

  • Constructor Summary

    Complex128UniformDisk(RandomComplex rng, double min, double max)
    Constructs a complex annular uniform distribution centered at the origin of the complex plane.
    Complex128UniformDisk(RandomComplex rng, double min, double max, double centerRe, double centerIm)
    Constructs a complex annular uniform distribution with specified center on the complex plane.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Randomly samples this complex annular uniform distribution centered at (centerRe, centerIm) with inner and outer radius min and max respectively.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • min

      public final double min
      Inner radius of the annulus (inclusive).
    • max

      public final double max
      Outer radius of the annulus (exclusive).
    • centerRe

      public final double centerRe
      Real value of the center of the annulus in the complex plane.
    • centerIm

      public final double centerIm
      Imaginary value of the center of the annulus in the complex plane.
  • Constructor Details

    • Complex128UniformDisk

      public Complex128UniformDisk(RandomComplex rng, double min, double max)
      Constructs a complex annular uniform distribution centered at the origin of the complex plane. To specify the distribution as a disk, set min=0.0.
      rng - Pseudorandom number generator to use when randomly sampling from this distribution.
      min - Inner radius of the annulus (inclusive).
      max - Outer radius of the annulus (exclusive).
    • Complex128UniformDisk

      public Complex128UniformDisk(RandomComplex rng, double min, double max, double centerRe, double centerIm)
      Constructs a complex annular uniform distribution with specified center on the complex plane. To specify the distribution as a disk, set min=0.0.
      rng - Pseudorandom number generator to use when randomly sampling from this distribution.
      min - Inner radius of the annulus (inclusive).
      max - Outer radius of the annulus (exclusive).
      centerRe - Real value of the center of the annulus in the complex plane.
      centerIm - Imaginary value of the center of the annulus in the complex plane.
  • Method Details