All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- objectIn - Variable in class
Stream for deserializing an object.
- objectOut - Variable in class
Stream for serializing object.
- offDiag - Variable in class org.flag4j.arrays.sparse.SymmTriDiagonal
Stores the first sub/super diagonal entries of this symmetric tri-diagonal matrix.
- ONE - Static variable in class org.flag4j.complex_numbers.CNumber
The complex number with zero imaginary part and one real part.
- org.flag4j.arrays.dense - package org.flag4j.arrays.dense
Contains the real and complex dense array objects.
- org.flag4j.arrays.sparse - package org.flag4j.arrays.sparse
Contains the real and complex sparse array objects.
- org.flag4j.complex_numbers - package org.flag4j.complex_numbers
This package contains the CNumber object which stores complex numbers in rectangular format and provides several methods allowing for computation with and manipulation of the complex numbers.
- org.flag4j.concurrency - package org.flag4j.concurrency
Utilities, configurations, and management for multithreaded implementations.
- org.flag4j.core - package org.flag4j.core
This package contains the core interfaces and abstract classes that specify the functionality of the algebraic objects within Flag4j.
- org.flag4j.core.dense_base - package org.flag4j.core.dense_base
- org.flag4j.core.sparse_base - package org.flag4j.core.sparse_base
- - package
IO for vector, matrix, and tensor objects.
- org.flag4j.linalg - package org.flag4j.linalg
- org.flag4j.linalg.decompositions - package org.flag4j.linalg.decompositions
- org.flag4j.linalg.decompositions.chol - package org.flag4j.linalg.decompositions.chol
- org.flag4j.linalg.decompositions.hess - package org.flag4j.linalg.decompositions.hess
- - package
- org.flag4j.linalg.decompositions.qr - package org.flag4j.linalg.decompositions.qr
- org.flag4j.linalg.decompositions.schur - package org.flag4j.linalg.decompositions.schur
- org.flag4j.linalg.decompositions.svd - package org.flag4j.linalg.decompositions.svd
- org.flag4j.linalg.decompositions.unitary - package org.flag4j.linalg.decompositions.unitary
- org.flag4j.linalg.ops - package org.flag4j.linalg.ops
- org.flag4j.linalg.solvers - package org.flag4j.linalg.solvers
- org.flag4j.linalg.solvers.exact - package org.flag4j.linalg.solvers.exact
- org.flag4j.linalg.solvers.exact.triangular - package org.flag4j.linalg.solvers.exact.triangular
- org.flag4j.linalg.solvers.lstsq - package org.flag4j.linalg.solvers.lstsq
- org.flag4j.linalg.transformations - package org.flag4j.linalg.transformations
- org.flag4j.operations - package org.flag4j.operations
- org.flag4j.operations.common - package org.flag4j.operations.common
This package contains operations which can be applied to both dense or sparse tensors.
- org.flag4j.operations.common.complex - package org.flag4j.operations.common.complex
- org.flag4j.operations.common.real - package org.flag4j.operations.common.real
- org.flag4j.operations.dense_sparse.coo.complex - package org.flag4j.operations.dense_sparse.coo.complex
- org.flag4j.operations.dense_sparse.coo.real - package org.flag4j.operations.dense_sparse.coo.real
- org.flag4j.operations.dense_sparse.coo.real_complex - package org.flag4j.operations.dense_sparse.coo.real_complex
- org.flag4j.operations.dense_sparse.csr.complex - package org.flag4j.operations.dense_sparse.csr.complex
- org.flag4j.operations.dense_sparse.csr.real - package org.flag4j.operations.dense_sparse.csr.real
- org.flag4j.operations.dense_sparse.csr.real_complex - package org.flag4j.operations.dense_sparse.csr.real_complex
- org.flag4j.operations.dense.complex - package org.flag4j.operations.dense.complex
- org.flag4j.operations.dense.real - package org.flag4j.operations.dense.real
- org.flag4j.operations.dense.real_complex - package org.flag4j.operations.dense.real_complex
- org.flag4j.operations.sparse.coo - package org.flag4j.operations.sparse.coo
- org.flag4j.operations.sparse.coo.complex - package org.flag4j.operations.sparse.coo.complex
- org.flag4j.operations.sparse.coo.real - package org.flag4j.operations.sparse.coo.real
- org.flag4j.operations.sparse.coo.real_complex - package org.flag4j.operations.sparse.coo.real_complex
- org.flag4j.operations.sparse.csr.complex - package org.flag4j.operations.sparse.csr.complex
- org.flag4j.operations.sparse.csr.real - package org.flag4j.operations.sparse.csr.real
- org.flag4j.operations.sparse.csr.real_complex - package org.flag4j.operations.sparse.csr.real_complex
- org.flag4j.rng - package org.flag4j.rng
Pseudo-random generation for complex numbers, and array objects (i.e.
- org.flag4j.util - package org.flag4j.util
- org.flag4j.util.exceptions - package org.flag4j.util.exceptions
- outer(CVector) - Method in class org.flag4j.arrays.dense.CVector
Computes the outer product of two vectors.
- outer(CVector) - Method in class org.flag4j.arrays.dense.Vector
Computes the outer product of two vectors.
- outer(CVector) - Method in class org.flag4j.arrays.sparse.CooCVector
Computes the outer product of two vectors.
- outer(CVector) - Method in class org.flag4j.arrays.sparse.CooVector
Computes the outer product of two vectors.
- outer(CVector) - Method in interface org.flag4j.core.VectorOperationsMixin
Computes the outer product of two vectors.
- outer(Vector) - Method in class org.flag4j.arrays.dense.CVector
Computes the outer product of two vectors.
- outer(Vector) - Method in class org.flag4j.arrays.dense.Vector
Computes the outer product of two vectors.
- outer(Vector) - Method in class org.flag4j.arrays.sparse.CooCVector
Computes the outer product of two vectors.
- outer(Vector) - Method in class org.flag4j.arrays.sparse.CooVector
Computes the outer product of two vectors.
- outer(Vector) - Method in interface org.flag4j.core.VectorOperationsMixin
Computes the outer product of two vectors.
- outer(CooCVector) - Method in class org.flag4j.arrays.dense.CVector
Computes the outer product of two vectors.
- outer(CooCVector) - Method in class org.flag4j.arrays.dense.Vector
Computes the outer product of two vectors.
- outer(CooCVector) - Method in class org.flag4j.arrays.sparse.CooCVector
Computes the outer product of two vectors.
- outer(CooCVector) - Method in class org.flag4j.arrays.sparse.CooVector
Computes the outer product of two vectors.
- outer(CooCVector) - Method in interface org.flag4j.core.VectorOperationsMixin
Computes the outer product of two vectors.
- outer(CooVector) - Method in class org.flag4j.arrays.dense.CVector
Computes the outer product of two vectors.
- outer(CooVector) - Method in class org.flag4j.arrays.dense.Vector
Computes the outer product of two vectors.
- outer(CooVector) - Method in class org.flag4j.arrays.sparse.CooCVector
Computes the outer product of two vectors.
- outer(CooVector) - Method in class org.flag4j.arrays.sparse.CooVector
Computes the outer product of two vectors.
- outer(CooVector) - Method in interface org.flag4j.core.VectorOperationsMixin
Computes the outer product of two vectors.
- OUTER_CONCURRENT_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class org.flag4j.operations.dense.real.RealDenseVectorOperations
Minimum number of entries to apply concurrent algorithm for outer product.
- outerProduct(double[], double[]) - Static method in class org.flag4j.operations.dense.real.RealDenseVectorOperations
Computes the vector outer product between two real dense vectors.
- outerProduct(double[], double[], int[], int) - Static method in class org.flag4j.operations.dense_sparse.coo.real.RealDenseSparseVectorOperations
Computes the vector outer product between a real dense vector and a real sparse vector.
- outerProduct(double[], int[], int, double[]) - Static method in class org.flag4j.operations.dense_sparse.coo.real.RealDenseSparseVectorOperations
Computes the vector outer product between a real dense vector and a real sparse vector.
- outerProduct(double[], int[], int, CNumber[]) - Static method in class org.flag4j.operations.dense_sparse.coo.real_complex.RealComplexDenseSparseVectorOperations
Computes the vector outer product between a complex dense vector and a real sparse vector.
- outerProduct(double[], CNumber[]) - Static method in class org.flag4j.operations.dense.real_complex.RealComplexDenseVectorOperations
Computes the vector outer product between two real dense vectors.
- outerProduct(double[], CNumber[], int[], int) - Static method in class org.flag4j.operations.dense_sparse.coo.real_complex.RealComplexDenseSparseVectorOperations
Computes the vector outer product between a real dense vector and a complex sparse vector.
- outerProduct(CooCVector, CooCVector) - Static method in class org.flag4j.operations.sparse.coo.complex.ComplexSparseVectorOperations
Computes the vector outer product between two complex sparse vectors.
- outerProduct(CooCVector, CooVector) - Static method in class org.flag4j.operations.sparse.coo.real_complex.RealComplexSparseVectorOperations
Computes the vector outer product between a complex sparse vector and a real sparse vector.
- outerProduct(CooVector, CooCVector) - Static method in class org.flag4j.operations.sparse.coo.real_complex.RealComplexSparseVectorOperations
Computes the vector outer product between a complex sparse vector and a real sparse vector.
- outerProduct(CooVector, CooVector) - Static method in class org.flag4j.operations.sparse.coo.real.RealSparseVectorOperations
Computes the vector outer product between two real sparse vectors.
- outerProduct(CNumber[], double[]) - Static method in class org.flag4j.operations.dense.real_complex.RealComplexDenseVectorOperations
Computes the vector outer product between two real dense vectors.
- outerProduct(CNumber[], double[], int[], int) - Static method in class org.flag4j.operations.dense_sparse.coo.real_complex.RealComplexDenseSparseVectorOperations
Computes the vector outer product between a complex dense vector and a real sparse vector.
- outerProduct(CNumber[], int[], int, double[]) - Static method in class org.flag4j.operations.dense_sparse.coo.real_complex.RealComplexDenseSparseVectorOperations
Computes the vector outer product between a rea; dense vector and a complex sparse vector.
- outerProduct(CNumber[], int[], int, CNumber[]) - Static method in class org.flag4j.operations.dense_sparse.coo.complex.ComplexDenseSparseVectorOperations
Computes the vector outer product between a complex dense vector and a real sparse vector.
- outerProduct(CNumber[], CNumber[]) - Static method in class org.flag4j.operations.dense.complex.ComplexDenseVectorOperations
Computes the vector outer product between two real dense vectors.
- outerProduct(CNumber[], CNumber[], int[], int) - Static method in class org.flag4j.operations.dense_sparse.coo.complex.ComplexDenseSparseVectorOperations
Computes the vector outer product between a complex dense vector and a real sparse vector.
- outerProductConcurrent(double[], double[]) - Static method in class org.flag4j.operations.dense.real.RealDenseVectorOperations
Computes the vector outer product between two real dense vectors.
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form