All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- x - Variable in class org.flag4j.linalg.solvers.exact.triangular.BackSolver
For storing vector results.
- x - Variable in class org.flag4j.linalg.solvers.exact.triangular.ForwardSolver
Storage for solution in solves which return a vector.
- X - Variable in class org.flag4j.linalg.solvers.exact.triangular.BackSolver
For storing matrix results.
- X - Variable in class org.flag4j.linalg.solvers.exact.triangular.ForwardSolver
Storage for solution in solves which return a 00000000
- xCol - Variable in class org.flag4j.linalg.solvers.exact.triangular.BackSolver
For temporary storage of matrix columns to help improve cache performance.
- xCol - Variable in class org.flag4j.linalg.solvers.exact.triangular.ForwardSolver
Temporary storage for columns of the solution matrix.
- xor(BooleanRing) - Method in class org.flag4j.algebraic_structures.semirings.BooleanRing
Computes "exclusive OR" (i.e.
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form