Class CooGetSet


public final class CooGetSet extends Object

A utility class that aids in getting or setting specified elements of a sparse COO tensor, matrix, or vector.

All methods in this class guarantee all results will be properly lexicographically sorted by indices.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static <T> void
    cooInsertNewValue(T value, int[] index, T[] srcEntries, int[][] srcIndices, int insertionPoint, T[] destEntries, int[][] destIndices)
    Inserts a new value into a sparse COO tensor.
    static <T> void
    cooInsertNewValue(T value, int rowIdx, int colIdx, T[] srcEntries, int[] srcRowIndices, int[] srcColIndices, int insertionPoint, T[] destEntries, int[] destRowIndices, int[] destColIndices)
    Inserts a new value into a sparse COO matrix.
    static <T> void
    cooInsertNewValue(T value, int index, T[] srcEntries, int[] srcIndices, int insertionPoint, T[] destEntries, int[] destIndices)
    Inserts a new value into a sparse COO vector.
    static <T> SparseVectorData<T>
    getCol(Shape shape, T[] entries, int[] rowIndices, int[] colIndices, int colIdx, int start, int end)
    Gets a specified column of a COO matrix between start (inclusive) and end (exclusive).
    static double
    getCoo(double[] entries, int[][] indices, int[] target)
    Gets an element of a sparse COO tensor at the specified index.
    static float
    getCoo(float[] entries, int[][] indices, int[] target)
    Gets an element of a sparse COO tensor at the specified index.
    static int
    getCoo(int[] entries, int[][] indices, int[] target)
    Gets an element of a sparse COO tensor at the specified index.
    static <T> T
    getCoo(T[] entries, int[][] indices, int[] target)
    Gets an element of a sparse COO tensor at the specified index.
    static <V> V
    getCoo(V[] entries, int[] indices, int index)
    Gets the specified element from a sparse COO vector.
    static <V> V
    getCoo(V[] entries, int[] rowIndices, int[] colIndices, int row, int col)
    Gets the specified element from a sparse COO matrix.
    static <T> SparseVectorData<T>
    getDiag(Shape shape, T[] entries, int[] rowIndices, int[] colIndices, int diagOffset)
    Gets the elements of a COO matrix along the specified diagonal.
    static <T> SparseVectorData<T>
    getRow(Shape shape, T[] entries, int[] rowIndices, int[] colIndices, int rowIdx, int start, int end)
    Gets a specified row of a COO matrix between start (inclusive) and end (exclusive).
    static <T> SparseMatrixData<T>
    getSlice(Shape shape, T[] entries, int[] rowIndices, int[] colIndices, int rowStart, int rowEnd, int colStart, int colEnd)
    Extracts a specified slice from a sparse COO matrix.
    static <T> SparseMatrixData<T>
    getTriL(int diagOffset, Shape shape, T[] entries, int[] rowIndices, int[] colIndices)
    Gets the lower-triangular portion of a sparse COO matrix with a possible diagonal offset.
    static <T> SparseMatrixData<T>
    getTriU(int diagOffset, Shape shape, T[] entries, int[] rowIndices, int[] colIndices)
    Gets the upper-triangular portion of a sparse COO matrix with a possible diagonal offset.
    static <T> SparseMatrixData<T>
    setCol(Shape srcShape, T[] srcEntries, int[] rowIndices, int[] colIndices, int colIdx, int size, T[] col, int[] indices)
    Sets a column of a sparse matrix to the values in a sparse tensor.
    static <T> SparseMatrixData<T>
    setRow(Shape srcShape, T[] srcEntries, int[] rowIndices, int[] colIndices, int rowIdx, int size, T[] row, int[] indices)
    Sets a specified row of a real sparse COO matrix to the values in a sparse COO vector.
    static <T> SparseMatrixData<T>
    setSlice(Shape shape1, T[] src1Entries, int[] src1RowIndices, int[] src1ColIndices, Shape shape2, T[] src2Entries, int[] src2RowIndices, int[] src2ColIndices, int row, int col)
    Copies a sparse matrix and sets a slice of the sparse COO matrix to the data of another sparse COO matrix.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • setRow

      public static <T> SparseMatrixData<T> setRow(Shape srcShape, T[] srcEntries, int[] rowIndices, int[] colIndices, int rowIdx, int size, T[] row, int[] indices)
      Sets a specified row of a real sparse COO matrix to the values in a sparse COO vector.
      srcShape - Shape of the matrix to set row in.
      srcEntries - Non-zero data of the COO matrix.
      rowIndices - Non-zero row indices of the COO matrix.
      colIndices - Non-zero column indices of the COO matrix.
      rowIdx - Index of the row to set.
      size - Full size of the COO vector.
      row - Non-zero data of the COO vector containing new row values.
      indices - Non-zero indices of the COO vector containing new row values.
      Sparse matrix data containing the data for the COO matrix resulting from setting the specified row of the provided COO matrix to the provided COO vector.
      IllegalArgumentException - If srcShape.get(1) != size.
    • setCol

      public static <T> SparseMatrixData<T> setCol(Shape srcShape, T[] srcEntries, int[] rowIndices, int[] colIndices, int colIdx, int size, T[] col, int[] indices)
      Sets a column of a sparse matrix to the values in a sparse tensor.
      srcShape - Shape of the matrix to set column in.
      srcEntries - Non-zero data of the COO matrix.
      rowIndices - Non-zero row indices of the COO matrix.
      colIndices - Non-zero column indices of the COO matrix.
      colIdx - Index of the column to set.
      size - Full size of the COO vector.
      col - Non-zero data of the COO vector containing new column values.
      indices - Non-zero indices of the COO vector containing new column values.
      A copy of the src matrix with the specified column set to the col sparse vector.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the src matrix does not have the same number of rows as total data in the col vector.
    • getCoo

      public static <V> V getCoo(V[] entries, int[] indices, int index)
      Gets the specified element from a sparse COO vector.
      entries - Non-zero values of the sparse COO vector.
      indices - Non-zero indices of the sparse COO vector.
      index - Index of the value to get from the vector.
      The value in the sparse COO vector at the specified index if it exists. If the value is not found within the non-zero data, null will be returned.
    • getCoo

      public static <V> V getCoo(V[] entries, int[] rowIndices, int[] colIndices, int row, int col)
      Gets the specified element from a sparse COO matrix.
      entries - Non-zero values of the sparse COO matrix from which to get element.
      rowIndices - Non-zero row indices for the sparse COO matrix.
      colIndices - Non-zero column indices for the sparse COO matrix.
      row - Row index of the value to get from the sparse matrix.
      col - Column index of the value to get from the sparse matrix.
      The value in the sparse COO matrix at the specified row and column indices if it exists. If the value is not found within the non-zero data, null will be returned.
    • getCoo

      public static <T> T getCoo(T[] entries, int[][] indices, int[] target)
      Gets an element of a sparse COO tensor at the specified index. If no non-zero value exists, then null is returned.
      entries - Non-zero data of the COO tensor.
      indices - Non-zero indices o the COO tensor.
      target - Target index to search for in indices.
      The value in data which has an index matching the target. That is, if some idx is found such that Arrays.equals(indices[idx], target), then data[idx] is returned. If no such idx id found, then null is returned.
    • cooInsertNewValue

      public static <T> void cooInsertNewValue(T value, int[] index, T[] srcEntries, int[][] srcIndices, int insertionPoint, T[] destEntries, int[][] destIndices)
      Inserts a new value into a sparse COO tensor. This assumes there is no non-zero value already at the specified index.
      value - Value to insert into the tensor.
      index - Non-zero index for new value.
      srcEntries - Non-zero data of the source tensor. Unmodified.
      srcIndices - Non-zero indices of the source tensor. Assumed to be rectangular. Unmodified.
      insertionPoint - Index in srcEntries and srcIndices to insert value and index.
      destEntries - Destination for storing the result of inserting the value into srcEntries.
      destIndices - Destination for storing the result of inserting the index into srcIndices.
      IllegalArgumentException - If destEntries.length != srcEntries.length + 1 or destIndices.length != srcIndices.length + 1
      IllegalArgumentException - If index.length != srcIndices[0].length.
    • cooInsertNewValue

      public static <T> void cooInsertNewValue(T value, int rowIdx, int colIdx, T[] srcEntries, int[] srcRowIndices, int[] srcColIndices, int insertionPoint, T[] destEntries, int[] destRowIndices, int[] destColIndices)
      Inserts a new value into a sparse COO matrix. This assumes there is no non-zero value at the specified row and column.
      value - Value to insert into the matrix.
      rowIdx - index for the value to insert.
      srcEntries - Non-zero data of the source matrix. Unmodified.
      srcRowIndices - Non-zero row indices of the source matrix. Unmodified.
      insertionPoint - Index in srcEntries, srcRowIndices, srcColIndices to insert value, rowIdx, and colIdx
      destEntries - Destination for storing the result of inserting the value into srcEntries.
      destRowIndices - Destination for storing the result of inserting the rowIdx into srcRowIndices.
      destColIndices - Destination for storing the result of inserting the colIdx into srcColIndices.
      IllegalArgumentException - If destEntries.length != srcEntries.length + 1 or destIndices.length != srcRowIndices.length + 1 or destColIndices.length != srcColIndices.length + 1.
    • cooInsertNewValue

      public static <T> void cooInsertNewValue(T value, int index, T[] srcEntries, int[] srcIndices, int insertionPoint, T[] destEntries, int[] destIndices)
      Inserts a new value into a sparse COO vector. This assumes there is no non-zero value at the specified index.
      value - Value to insert into the vector.
      index - Index for the value to insert.
      srcEntries - Non-zero data of the source vector. Unmodified.
      srcIndices - Non-zero indices of the source vector. Unmodified.
      insertionPoint - Index in srcEntries and srcIndices to insert value and index.
      destEntries - Destination for storing the result of inserting the value into srcEntries.
      destIndices - Destination for storing the result of inserting the index into srcIndices.
      IllegalArgumentException - If destEntries.length != srcEntries.length + 1 or destIndices.length != srcIndices.length + 1.
    • getCoo

      public static double getCoo(double[] entries, int[][] indices, int[] target)
      Gets an element of a sparse COO tensor at the specified index. If no non-zero value exists, then null is returned.
      entries - Non-zero data of the COO tensor.
      indices - Non-zero indices o the COO tensor.
      target - Target index to search for in indices.
      The value in data which has an index matching the target. That is, if some idx is found such that Arrays.equals(indices[idx], target), then data[idx] is returned. If no such idx id found, then null is returned.
    • getCoo

      public static float getCoo(float[] entries, int[][] indices, int[] target)
      Gets an element of a sparse COO tensor at the specified index. If no non-zero value exists, then null is returned.
      entries - Non-zero data of the COO tensor.
      indices - Non-zero indices o the COO tensor.
      target - Target index to search for in indices.
      The value in data which has an index matching the target. That is, if some idx is found such that Arrays.equals(indices[idx], target), then data[idx] is returned. If no such idx id found, then null is returned.
    • getCoo

      public static int getCoo(int[] entries, int[][] indices, int[] target)
      Gets an element of a sparse COO tensor at the specified index. If no non-zero value exists, then null is returned.
      entries - Non-zero data of the COO tensor.
      indices - Non-zero indices o the COO tensor.
      target - Target index to search for in indices.
      The value in data which has an index matching the target. That is, if some idx is found such that Arrays.equals(indices[idx], target), then data[idx] is returned. If no such idx id found, then null is returned.
    • getTriU

      public static <T> SparseMatrixData<T> getTriU(int diagOffset, Shape shape, T[] entries, int[] rowIndices, int[] colIndices)
      Gets the upper-triangular portion of a sparse COO matrix with a possible diagonal offset. The remaining values will be zero.
      diagOffset - Diagonal offset indicating which diagonal to extract values at or above.
      • If diagOffset == 0 then the properly upper-triangular portion of the matrix is extracted.
      • If diagOffset == k where k > 0 then the values at and above the kth super-diagonal.
      • If diagOffset == k where k < 0 then the values at and above the kth sub-diagonal.
      shape - Shape of the COO matrix.
      entries - Non-zero data of the COO matrix.
      rowIndices - Row indices of the COO matrix.
      colIndices - Column indices of the COO matrix.
      A data container containing the resulting upper-triangular non-zero data, row indices, and column indices.
    • getTriL

      public static <T> SparseMatrixData<T> getTriL(int diagOffset, Shape shape, T[] entries, int[] rowIndices, int[] colIndices)
      Gets the lower-triangular portion of a sparse COO matrix with a possible diagonal offset. The remaining values will be zero.
      diagOffset - Diagonal offset indicating which diagonal to extract values at or below.
      • If diagOffset == 0 then the properly lower-triangular portion of the matrix is extracted.
      • If diagOffset == k where k > 0 then the values at and below the kth super-diagonal.
      • If diagOffset == k where k < 0 then the values at and below the kth sub-diagonal.
      shape - Shape of the COO matrix.
      entries - Non-zero data of the COO matrix.
      rowIndices - Row indices of the COO matrix.
      colIndices - Column indices of the COO matrix.
      A data container containing the resulting lower-triangular non-zero data, row indices, and column indices.
    • setSlice

      public static <T> SparseMatrixData<T> setSlice(Shape shape1, T[] src1Entries, int[] src1RowIndices, int[] src1ColIndices, Shape shape2, T[] src2Entries, int[] src2RowIndices, int[] src2ColIndices, int row, int col)
      Copies a sparse matrix and sets a slice of the sparse COO matrix to the data of another sparse COO matrix.
      shape1 - Shape of the first matrix.
      src1Entries - Non-zero data of the matrix to set slice within.
      src1RowIndices - Row indices of the matrix to set slice within.
      src1ColIndices - Column indices of the matrix to set slice within.
      shape2 - Shape of the first matrix.
      src2Entries - Non-zero data of the matrix to copy into the specified slice.
      src2RowIndices - Row indices of the matrix to copy into the specified slice.
      src2ColIndices - Column indices of the matrix to copy into the specified slice.
      row - Starting row index of slice.
      col - Starting column index of slice.
      A sparse data container containing the result of setting the slice in the source matrix.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - If the values matrix does not fit in the src matrix given the row and column index.
    • getSlice

      public static <T> SparseMatrixData<T> getSlice(Shape shape, T[] entries, int[] rowIndices, int[] colIndices, int rowStart, int rowEnd, int colStart, int colEnd)
      Extracts a specified slice from a sparse COO matrix.
      shape - Shape of the COO matrix.
      entries - Non-zero data of the COO matrix.
      rowIndices - Row indices of the COO matrix.
      colIndices - Column indices of the COO matrix.
      rowStart - Starting row index of the slice (inclusive).
      rowEnd - Ending row index of the slice (exclusive).
      colStart - Staring column index of a slice (inclusive).
      colEnd - Ending column index of the slice (exclusive).
      A sparse data container containing the specified slice extracted from the COO matrix.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - If the specified slice does not fit into the matrix.
    • getDiag

      public static <T> SparseVectorData<T> getDiag(Shape shape, T[] entries, int[] rowIndices, int[] colIndices, int diagOffset)
      Gets the elements of a COO matrix along the specified diagonal.
      shape - Shape of the COO matrix.
      entries - Non-zero data of the COO matrix.
      rowIndices - Non-zero row indices of the COO matrix.
      colIndices - Non-zero column indices of the COO matrix.
      diagOffset - The diagonal to get within the COO matrix.
      • If diagOffset == 0: Then the elements of the principle diagonal are collected.
      • If diagOffset < 0: Then the elements of the sub-diagonal diagOffset below the principle diagonal are collected.
      • If diagOffset > 0: Then the elements of the super-diagonal diagOffset above the principle diagonal are collected.
      A sparse vector data object containing the non-zero data and indices along the specified diagonal of the COO matrix.
    • getRow

      public static <T> SparseVectorData<T> getRow(Shape shape, T[] entries, int[] rowIndices, int[] colIndices, int rowIdx, int start, int end)
      Gets a specified row of a COO matrix between start (inclusive) and end (exclusive).
      shape - Shape of the COO matrix.
      entries - Non-zero data of the COO matrix.
      rowIndices - Non-zero row indices of the COO matrix.
      colIndices - Non-zero column indices of the COO matrix.
      rowIdx - Index of the row of this matrix to get.
      colStart - Starting column of the row (inclusive).
      colEnd - Ending column of the row (exclusive).
      The row at index rowIdx of this matrix between the start and end indices.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - If either end are start out of bounds for the shape of this matrix.
      IllegalArgumentException - If end is less than start.
    • getCol

      public static <T> SparseVectorData<T> getCol(Shape shape, T[] entries, int[] rowIndices, int[] colIndices, int colIdx, int start, int end)
      Gets a specified column of a COO matrix between start (inclusive) and end (exclusive).
      shape - Shape of the COO matrix.
      entries - Non-zero data of the COO matrix.
      rowIndices - Non-zero row indices of the COO matrix.
      colIndices - Non-zero column indices of the COO matrix.
      colIdx - Index of the column of this matrix to get.
      colStart - Starting column of the row (inclusive).
      colEnd - Ending column of the row (exclusive).
      The column at index colIdx of this matrix between the start and end indices.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - If either end are start out of bounds for the shape of this matrix.
      IllegalArgumentException - If end is less than start.