Package org.flag4j.linalg.ops.sparse.coo
package org.flag4j.linalg.ops.sparse.coo
ClassesClassDescriptionThis utility class contains methods for combining or joining sparse COO tensors, matrices, and vectors.Utility class for converting COO tensor to another type of tensor.A class which can be used to sort the indices, along with data values, in lexicographical order.A utility class that aids in getting or setting specified elements of a sparse COO tensor, matrix, or vector.Utility class containing methods for manipulating a sparse COO tensor, matrix, or vector.Utility class for computing certain properties of COO matrices.CooTensorDot<T extends Semiring<T>>Instances of this class can be used to compute the tensor dot product between two sparse COO tensors.Utility class for computing the transpose of a sparse COO tensor or matrix.