Interface LinearSolver<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of tensor in the linear system.
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BackSolver, ComplexBackSolver, ComplexExactSolver, ComplexExactTensorSolver, ComplexForwardSolver, ComplexLstsqSolver, ExactSolver, ExactTensorSolver, ForwardSolver, LstsqSolver, RealBackSolver, RealExactSolver, RealExactTensorSolver, RealForwardSolver, RealLstsqSolver

public interface LinearSolver<T>

Interface representing a linear system solver for tensor equations. Implementations of this interface provide methods to solve linear equations involving tensors, such as AX=B, where A, B, and X are tensors.

Solvers may compute exact solutions or approximate solutions in a least squares sense, depending on the properties of the tensor equation.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    solve(T A, T B)
    Solves the linear tensor equation AX=B for the tensor X.
  • Method Details

    • solve

      T solve(T A, T B)
      Solves the linear tensor equation AX=B for the tensor X. The multiplication AX is defined such that it performs a tensor dot product over all indices of X with the rightmost indices of A, equivalent to A.tensorDot(X, X.getRank()).
      A - The coefficient tensor in the linear system.
      B - The constant tensor in the linear system.
      The solution tensor X satisfying AX=B.