Class RealExactSolver

All Implemented Interfaces:
LinearMatrixSolver<Matrix,Vector>, LinearSolver<Matrix>

public class RealExactSolver extends ExactSolver<Matrix,Vector>
Solver for solving a well determined system of linear equations in an exact sense using the LU decomposition.
  • Constructor Details

    • RealExactSolver

      public RealExactSolver()
      Constructs an exact LU solver where the coefficient matrix is real dense.
  • Method Details

    • permuteRows

      protected Vector permuteRows(Vector b)
      Permute the rows of a vector using the row permutation matrix from the LU decomposition.
      Specified by:
      permuteRows in class ExactSolver<Matrix,Vector>
      b - Vector to permute the rows of.
      A vector which is the result of applying the row permutation from the LU decomposition to the vector b.
    • permuteRows

      protected Matrix permuteRows(Matrix B)
      Permute the rows of a matrix using the row permutation matrix from the LU decomposition.
      Specified by:
      permuteRows in class ExactSolver<Matrix,Vector>
      B - matrix to permute the rows of.
      A matrix which is the result of applying the row permutation from the LU decomposition to the matrix B.