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tanh - Static variable in class com.jml.neural_network.activations.Activations
A pre-defined instance of the hyperbolic tangent activation function.
tanh() - Static method in class com.jml.neural_network.activations.Activations
Creates and returns a new instance of the hyperbolic tangent activation function.
Tanh - Class in com.jml.neural_network.activations
The hyperbolic tangent activation function.
Tanh() - Constructor for class com.jml.neural_network.activations.Tanh
toDouble(String[]) - Static method in class com.jml.util.ArrayUtils
Converts a String array to an array of doubles.
Also see ArrayUtils.toDouble(String[][]) for 2D arrays.
toDouble(String[][]) - Static method in class com.jml.util.ArrayUtils
Converts a String array to an array of doubles.
Also see ArrayUtils.toDouble(String[]) for 1D arrays.
toDoubleFlat(String[][]) - Static method in class com.jml.util.ArrayUtils
Converts a String array to an 1D array of doubles.
Also see ArrayUtils.toDouble(String[]) for 1D arrays.
toInt(double[]) - Static method in class com.jml.util.ArrayUtils
Converts a double array to an int array.
toIntFlat(String[][]) - Static method in class com.jml.util.ArrayUtils
Converts a String array to an 1D array of doubles.
Also see ArrayUtils.toDouble(String[]) for 1D arrays.
toObject(Object) - Static method in class com.jml.util.ArrayUtils
Converts an array to an Object array.
toObject2D(Object) - Static method in class com.jml.util.ArrayUtils
Converts an array to an Object array.
toString() - Method in class com.jml.classifiers.KNearestNeighbors
Forms a string of the important aspects of the model.
toString() - Method in class com.jml.classifiers.LogisticRegression
Forms a string of the important aspects of the model.
toString() - Method in class com.jml.core.Model
Forms a string of the important aspects of the model.
toString() - Method in class com.jml.linear_models.LinearRegression
Forms a string of the important aspects of the model.
toString() - Method in class com.jml.linear_models.MultipleLinearRegression
Forms a string of the important aspects of the model.
toString() - Method in class com.jml.linear_models.Perceptron
Forms a string of the important aspects of the model.
toString() - Method in class com.jml.linear_models.PolynomialRegression
Forms a string of the important aspects of the model.
toString() - Method in class com.jml.neural_network.layers.Dense
Gets the name of the layer type as a string.
toString() - Method in class com.jml.neural_network.layers.Linear
Gets the name of the layer type as a string.
toString() - Method in class com.jml.neural_network.NeuralNetwork
Forms a string of the important aspects of the model.
TrainableLayer - Interface in com.jml.neural_network.layers
This layer specifies functionality for a layer that has trainable parameters.
trainTestSplit(double[][], double[][], double) - Static method in class com.jml.preprocessing.DataSplitter
Splits a dataset with features and targets randomly into disjoint training and testing datasets.
TYPE - Enum constant in enum class com.jml.neural_network.ModelTags
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