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All Classes|All Packages|Constant Field Values


sameShape(Matrix) - Method in class linalg.Vector
Compares the dimensions, rows and columns, of two matrices.
sameShape(Matrix, int) - Method in class linalg.Vector
Compares the dimensions of two matrices.
scalDiv(double) - Method in class linalg.Matrix
Performs scalar division of this matrix.
scalDiv(double) - Method in class linalg.Vector
scalDiv(CNumber) - Method in class linalg.Matrix
Performs scalar division of this matrix.
scalDiv(CNumber) - Method in class linalg.Vector
scalMult(double) - Method in class linalg.Vector
Performs scalar multiplication of a matrix.
scalMult(CNumber) - Method in class linalg.Vector
Performs scalar multiplication of a matrix.
schur(Matrix) - Static method in class linalg.Decompose
Computes the complex Schur decomposition of this matrix.
schur(Matrix, boolean) - Static method in class linalg.Decompose
Computes the real or complex Schur decomposition of this matrix.
schurReal(Matrix) - Static method in class linalg.Decompose
Computes the real Schur decomposition of this matrix.
set(double, int, int) - Method in class linalg.Vector
Sets specified element in matrix to value.
set(CNumber, int, int) - Method in class linalg.Vector
Sets specified element in matrix to value.
setCol(double[], int) - Method in class linalg.Vector
Sets specified column of this matrix to the values stored within the passed array.
setCol(CNumber[], int) - Method in class linalg.Vector
Sets specified column of this matrix to the values stored within the passed array.
setCol(Vector, int) - Method in class linalg.Vector
Sets specified column of this matrix to the values stored within the passed column vector.
setRow(double[], int) - Method in class linalg.Vector
Sets specified row of this matrix to the values stored within the passed array.
setRow(CNumber[], int) - Method in class linalg.Vector
Sets specified row of this matrix to the values stored within the passed array.
setRow(Vector, int) - Method in class linalg.Vector
Sets specified row of this matrix to the values stored within the passed row vector.
setSlice(int, int, Matrix) - Method in class linalg.Vector
Sets a specified slice of this matrix to the values stored in the values matrix.
setSliceCopy(int, int, Matrix) - Method in class linalg.Vector
Creates a copy of this matrix and sets a specified slice of the copy to the values stored in the values matrix.
setValues(double[][]) - Method in class linalg.Vector
Copies values from array into matrix.
setValues(CNumber[][]) - Method in class linalg.Vector
Copies values from array into matrix.
shape() - Method in class linalg.Vector
Shape of this matrix i.e.
sign(CNumber) - Static method in class linalg.complex_number.CNumber
The complex signum function.
solve(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class linalg.Solvers
Solves a real or complex linear System of equations of from Ax=b for the vector x in an exact sense.
solve(Matrix, Vector) - Static method in class linalg.Solvers
Solves a real or complex linear System of equations of from Ax=b for the vector x in an exact sense.
solve(Matrix, Vector...) - Static method in class linalg.Solvers
Solves multiple real or complex systems of equations with the same coefficient matrix.
solveQR(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class linalg.Solvers
Solves a real or complex linear System of equations of from Ax=b for the vector x in an exact sense.
solveQR(Matrix, Vector) - Static method in class linalg.Solvers
Solves a real or complex linear System of equations of from Ax=b for the vector x in an exact sense.
Solvers - Class in linalg
This class contains methods for solving systems of linear equations.
sqrt() - Method in class linalg.Vector
Computes element wise square root of the matrix.
sqrt(CNumber) - Static method in class linalg.complex_number.CNumber
Computes the square root of a number.

Note: This method only returns the principle square root (the positive square root or square root with positive real part).
stack(Matrix) - Method in class linalg.Vector
Stacks matrices along rows.
stack(Matrix, int) - Method in class linalg.Vector
Stacks matrices along specified axis.
StringUtils - Class in linalg.util
sub(double) - Method in class linalg.Vector
Subtracts the value of a from all entries of matrix.
sub(Matrix) - Method in class linalg.Vector
Performs matrix subtraction on two matrices of the same dimensions.
sub(Vector) - Method in class linalg.Vector
subtracts two vectors element-wise and stores in a new vector.
subtract(CNumber, CNumber) - Static method in class linalg.complex_number.CNumber
Performs complex subtraction of two numbers.
swapCols(int, int) - Method in class linalg.Vector
Swaps two columns in a matrix.
swapRows(int, int) - Method in class linalg.Vector
Swaps two rows in a matrix.
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All Classes|All Packages|Constant Field Values