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All Classes|All Packages|Constant Field Values


center(String, int) - Static method in class linalg.util.StringUtils
center(String, int, char) - Static method in class linalg.util.StringUtils
cholesky(Matrix) - Static method in class linalg.Decompose
Computes the Cholesky decomposition of a Hermation, positive-definite matrix into the product of a lower triangular matrix and its conjugate transpose.
CNumber - Class in linalg.complex_number
This class allows for the creation of complex and real numbers and provides methods for computation with those numbers.
CNumber() - Constructor for class linalg.complex_number.CNumber
CNumber(double) - Constructor for class linalg.complex_number.CNumber
CNumber(double, double) - Constructor for class linalg.complex_number.CNumber
CNumber(String) - Constructor for class linalg.complex_number.CNumber
CNumber(CNumber) - Constructor for class linalg.complex_number.CNumber
colSpace() - Method in class linalg.Vector
Finds an orthonormal basis for the column space of this matrix.
COLUMN_VECTOR - Static variable in class linalg.Vector
compareTo(CNumber) - Method in class linalg.complex_number.CNumber
Compares the size of two complex numbers (magnitudes).
compareToReal(double) - Method in class linalg.complex_number.CNumber
Compares the real value of two numbers.
compareToReal(CNumber) - Method in class linalg.complex_number.CNumber
Compares the real value of two numbers.
conjT() - Method in class linalg.Vector
Computes the conjugate transpose of this matrix.
conjugate() - Method in class linalg.Vector
Conjugates a matrix element-wise.
conjugate(CNumber) - Static method in class linalg.complex_number.CNumber
Computes and returns complex conjugate of a complex number.
contains(int[], int) - Static method in class linalg.util.LinAlgArrayUtils
copy() - Method in class linalg.Matrix
Constructs a copy of the matrix.
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All Classes|All Packages|Constant Field Values