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All Classes|All Packages|Constant Field Values


T() - Method in class linalg.Vector
Transposes Matrix.
Temp - Class in <Unnamed>
Temp() - Constructor for class Temp
toColVector() - Method in class linalg.Vector
Converts Vector to a column vector.
toMatrix() - Method in class linalg.Vector
Converts a vector to a like matrix object
toMatrix(Vector) - Static method in class linalg.Vector
Converts a vector to a matrix.
toRowVector() - Method in class linalg.Vector
Converts Vector to a row vector.
toString() - Method in class linalg.complex_number.CNumber
toString() - Method in class linalg.Matrix
Formats matrix contents as a string.
toString() - Method in class linalg.Vector
Formats vector as a string.
toVector() - Method in class linalg.Vector
If possible, converts matrix to a Vector object.

A matrix will be converted to a row vector if it contains only a single row.
tr() - Method in class linalg.Vector
Computes the trace of a square matrix.
trace() - Method in class linalg.Vector
Computes the trace of square matrix.
transpose() - Method in class linalg.Vector
Transposes Matrix.
tril() - Method in class linalg.Vector
Generates lower triangle of Matrix.
tril(int) - Method in class linalg.Vector
Generates lower triangle of Matrix.
triu() - Method in class linalg.Vector
Generates upper triangle of Matrix.
triu(int) - Method in class linalg.Vector
Generates upper triangle of Matrix.
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All Classes|All Packages|Constant Field Values