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Decompose - Class in linalg
This class provided support for several decompositions of real or complex matrices.
det() - Method in class linalg.Vector
Computes determinant of matrix.
diag() - Method in class linalg.Vector
Extracts diagonal elements from matrix.
diagAsVector() - Method in class linalg.Vector
Extracts diagonal elements form matrix and stores in vector.
directSum(Matrix...) - Method in class linalg.Vector
Computes the matrix direct sum.
divide(CNumber, CNumber) - Static method in class linalg.complex_number.CNumber
Performs complex division of two numbers.
divRow(int, double) - Method in class linalg.Vector
Divides a specified row by a constant value.
divRow(int, CNumber) - Method in class linalg.Vector
Divides a specified row by a constant value.
doubleImaginaryValue() - Method in class linalg.complex_number.CNumber
doubleValue() - Method in class linalg.complex_number.CNumber
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