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All Classes|All Packages|Constant Field Values


van(Vector, int) - Static method in class linalg.Matrix
Constructs a Vandermonde matrix from a vector x.
Vector - Class in linalg
This class supports the creation, manipulations, and operations of Vectors.
Vector() - Constructor for class linalg.Vector
Creates an empty column vector.
Vector(double[]) - Constructor for class linalg.Vector
Creates a column vector from the entries array.
Vector(double[], int) - Constructor for class linalg.Vector
Creates a row/column vector depending on the value passed to type.
Vector(int) - Constructor for class linalg.Vector
Creates a column vector of specified size filled with zeros.
Vector(int[]) - Constructor for class linalg.Vector
Creates a column vector from the entries array.
Vector(int[], int) - Constructor for class linalg.Vector
Creates a row/column vector depending on the value passed to type.
Vector(int, int) - Constructor for class linalg.Vector
Creates a row/column vector of specified size filled with zeros.
Vector(CNumber[]) - Constructor for class linalg.Vector
Creates a column vector from the entries array.
Vector(CNumber[], int) - Constructor for class linalg.Vector
Creates a row/column vector depending on the value passed to type.
Vector(Vector) - Constructor for class linalg.Vector
vectorType() - Method in class linalg.Matrix
Checks if a matrix is a vector and if so, what kind of vector (i.e row or column vectors).
vectorType() - Method in class linalg.Vector
Get the type of this vector
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All Classes|All Packages|Constant Field Values